Dionis Escorsa


You'd Be Nothing Without Me
Sin mí no serías nada


With english subtitles


In this short film the actors intentionally overact, aware of the fact that they are playing a part in a comedy. In fact, the dramatization of their personalities redefine the hierarchies that were obvious to us from the beginning.

En este cortometraje los actores sobreactúan, sabiendo que hacen comedia. De hecho, el "teatro" de sus personalidades redefine las jerarquías que sospechábamos entre ellos.


Dionis Escorsa

Room service for bombed buildings Dionis Escorsa

Room service for bombed buildings Dionis Escorsa

Direction, script, camera, edition: Dionis Escorsa
With: Vahida Ramujkic and Ricard Salvatella

2003 (reedited 2014) · 10 min

Shown at:

"Remote Conflicts - Interchangeable Scenes" Curated by Arto Ushan · Neu West Berlin · Berlin